If you're planning a team-building retreat, corporate function or conference, consider a non-traditional route.
Alaine's style of mediumship is not only insightful and powerful, it's also very entertaining.
Of course, in a larger setting not everyone will get a reading, but the energy and excitement in the room is shared by all. Your group is guaranteed to have a lively discussion about Alaine's appearance long after the session is over.
Alaine has made large group appearances both in the US and abroad.
If you'd like to discuss further the possibility of having Alaine appear at your function, please complete our contact form by clicking here.
All scheduling is done thru email. The following emails are used for scheduling purposes:
lightworker417@gmail.com & mediumalaine@gmail.com
Want to learn more about Alaine? Take a look her 3 minute video by clicking here.